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Blog Bizarre # 12 - Just poppin' bye!
6:55 AM
Blog Bizarre # 12 - Just poppin' bye!
Salut tuturor de aici!(eho:salut.alut.alut.alut)
Ma auziti?sper ca da wink
Yeah!Ultimele zile am fost in Berlin din nou,dupa ce am lucrat in studie facind citeva schimbari pentru albumul nou.Asta e simplu nebunatik,promotia e pe primul loc,iar restul e pe al 2-lea plan.Nu vreau sa va spun totul acuma,dar eu am citeva idei noi.
Asata e minunat sa calatoresti peste tot pamintul cu albumul FINAL ATTRACTION shi sa dai concerte.Asta e minunat sa stii ca tu am sustinere shi albumul tau este realizat deja in 14 tari.
Eu nici nu ma gindeam la sta un an in urma.Un an in urma noi numai am parasit Berlinu caci toate drumurile erau pentru noi inchise.
Nu erau nici magazine,nici TV-numai internet.Era greu caci fiecare zi eu treceam sute de mile shi am avut multe idei cum sa fac shi mai bine.Nyeah!Spec ca voi ati facut cicat corect biggrin !Scuzati pentru asta...Nu trebuie sa luati tot asa aproape de suflet.Asta eu-s asa.Eu pe Kiro mereu il numesc asa :D(bitch)
Yeah...daca ati observat la mine tot e totul bine.Va arat citeva foto pentru voi astazi.Eu eram inmbracat in slilul anilor 80.cu o nou maiou rozov,cu centrura cu litere (strify) (adica cu numele lui asa am inteles _prim_KiskaTH),shi cu medalion in figura de stea )E look-ul meu de vara wink
Sper sa va placa fotografia.
Ne vedem in curind wink

P.S:Despre party in iulie.Eu eram pregatit pentru asta.Dar sa nu-l prefac in chaos,shi sa nu va supar,eu am vrut numai sa va spun,e adevarat ca o sa fim acolo shi voi o sa ne videti acol,dar noi o sa fim acolo pentru (sau ca DJ) <3(singer prima propozitie de la P.s oleac n-am intales._prom_KiskaTH).
Tradus de KiskaTH
Special pentru cinemabizarremd.ucoz.com


Blog Bizarre N° 12 - Just poppin’ bye!

Howdy out there! (Echo: Howdy.owdy.owdy)
Can you hear me? I hope so wink

Yeah! During the last days we've been home in Berlin again after spending some time in the studio and doing some promotion for the first album. It's pretty crazy, promoting the first record and starting to plan the second. Don't want to tell too much for now but I have so many ideas in my mind.
And it's so great to travel around the world, promoting FINAL ATTRACTION and giving concerts. It's an amazing thing that we have the oppurtunity that our debut album is released in about 14 countries. I wouldn't have thought that one year ago. One year ago we just moved to Berlin because everthing was in the raising blocks.
There were no magazines, no TV - just the internet. And still I try to keep that myspace thing going. Though it's hard because I receive hundreds of mails each day and I have other things to do as well. Nyeah! Hope you're doin' right, bitches! Sorry for that... You shouldn't take that personally. That's just me. I call even Kiro a bitch all the time wink
Yeah... as you see I'm doin' fine too. Took some pictues for you today. I was dressed up all 80s with a neo pink shirt, a belt with strify letters and a star necklace! That's my summer look I guess wink

Hope you like the pictures.
See you very soon wink


PS: Because of the party in July. I'm lookin forward to it. But not to let it end in a total chaos and not to disappoint you, I just wanted to say, that it's true that we will be there and you can see us but we will just be there for a while as DJs. <3

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