Demult nu ne-am vazut Salut baietii,a trecut mult timp de cind eu nimic n-am scris,shi cred ca trebuie sa incep din nou.Voi ginditi,ca noi nimic nu face,dar noi avem mult material,dar acuma el se afta pe alta partea perdelelor.In zilele acestea am scris multe versuri.Multi din voi stiu,ca noi suntem nominati la Comet.Daca voi doriti ca noi sa cistigam cicatu ista( shit),votati pentru noi la noi intradivar o sa cistigam,noi o sa organizam un party in iulie in Hamburg.Vom fi in ospetie DJ-ilor locali.Deci INNAINTE!<3 Eu deja retraiesc,shi astept cu nerabdare show-urile noastre,care vom avea in anul acesta.Sunt inca atitea locuri in care n-am fost.Sper sa va intilnesc acolo.
xxx Tradus de KiskaTH
Special pentru Originalu
Long time no see
Howdy guys!It’s been a very long time since my last blog so I think it’s time to start again here!It seems we haven’t done a lot lately but there’s a lot of stuff going on behind the curtain. We are being creative these days and I wrote a lot of lyrics.We feel that it’s time for some new music. As the most of you alreadyknow, we are nominated for a German music award called COMET. If you want us to win that shit, go to and vote for us ;)And if we will really win we have planned to have a party in July in Hamburg. We are going to be guest DJs there. So go ahead <3I’m also very excited and looking forward to all the shows we are going to play this year.There are a lot of places I haven’t been before. Hope to see you there