I am sorry for having no other choice then to carry out my duty I have towards you. As you might started to imagine and guess my personal conditions couldn't have been recovered fast enough and good enough.
Please believe me that everything possible was done for me to come back in health and better conditions, but the time did not last, to come back as a complete support for the band.
Please try to find understanding that I have decided that I have no other choice then to declaim all the honours and titles you wanted to give to me.
This makes me sad, but some things can't be like I want them to be .
I will always be in your mind in the way I wanted to be for you ...And I will stay with you .
But I can't stay any longer as a part of Cinema Bizarre.
Which means that I will leave the band from now on.
Let me simply go on as the one I have been for you.
Thank you for many of you for your understanding and support and for those many nice eMails. I am very touched by these nice and kind eMails. I know now that I have many friends in Moldova and i can rely on all of them.
I am now discussing dates with CB for concert in Moldova. I know that at the end of the year all schools have tests / exams and is studying time.
Therefore can all of you inform me, what dates are good for concert in the month of december or january and on which dates you have tests/exams in the schools and when you have school holidays. Cinema Bizarre is not free to come in November.
Please discuss with your other friends/fans and send me a reply
Thank you, a big kiss to all of you
your Harris ==========================================
Noroc, Va multumesc pentru emailurile dragute si pe
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I am personally very sad to inform all of you that I have to
postpone and change dates of concerts in Chisinau and Romania.
The reason being, I have booked 2 concerts with Cinema Bizarre.
On 24.10.08 in Chisinau /Moldova and 25.10.08 in iasi/Romania.
Unfortnately the Planet club in iasi where the concert should take place, had to be closed by the Justice due
to big problems and in a very short period I was unable to find a place for concert in iasi.
As i was unable to fulfil this, both the concerts in chisinau and iasi has to be postponed for new
The new date of concert will be very soon and till January 2009, but I have to discuss with
CB and agree the dates. As soon as the date is fixed will inform to all of you, but i would ... Read more »
Organizatorul Concertelor Cinema Bizarre din data de 24.10.2008 la Chişinău şi d in data de 25.10.2008 la Iaşi (România) cu regret vă informează că nu va avea loc aceste concerte după cum era planificat.
Următorul concert va avea loc în Decembrie 2008– Ianuarie 2009 din moment ce Cinema Bizarre va confirma noile date pentru concert.
Motivul pentru schimbarea datelor a ambelor concerte are legatura cu problemele tehnice din România. Clubul Iaşi, unde avea sa aibă loc concertul a fost inchis de Justiţia Româna pentru nişte motive serioase şi nu s-a putut găsi un alt local pentru concert într-un timp atit de scurt.<
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Luminor shi Kiro despre imaginea lor , Japonia shi despre Tokio Hotel.
-Ce-i mai important pentru Cinema Bizarre : imaginea sau muzica ? Luminor: Nu e simpla intrebarea. Pentru noi shi una shi cealalata sunt importante. Dar iata sa spunem ce e mai important … Kiro: Da , Una este neseparabila de cealalta. Eu vreau sa spun ca pentru Cinema Bizarre muzika shi imaginea - e unicat: inseparabil , dar si?daca pute
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Asa ca dragii nostri! O noutatea buna pentru noi, nu? ;)
Referitor la ''meet & greet'' cu Cinema Bizarre in Chisinau.
Dupa concert multi fani vor avea posibilitatea sa se intilneasca cu baietii.
Pentru aceasta acei fani care doresc acest lucru trebuie sa scrie pe o foaie de hirtie numele lor si nr. de mobil, si sa-l puna intr-o cutie. Noi vom alege multe din aceste foi si imediat dupa concert aceste fete se vor intilni cu baietii de la Cinema Bizarre. Va rog anuntatii si pe prietenii vostri de acest lucru.
Ca sa nu pierdeti din timp, toti doritorii p
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