I scream 4 Icecream ;D
5. Juni 2008 von admin
The last days were not so busy so we had much time to make some lovely rocknroll in our little rehearsalroom to practice some new stuff, maybe we can show u some at the upcoming concerts all around
At the Moment its so damn hawt in Berlin, the Sun is meltin me, cud stay all the time under a cold shower ;D But im happy to tell u that we will be at the “La Fete de la Musique” on the 21th of June. Hope to see some of u there <3~ Now im goin to rock the day~! Hope ur all fine, enjoy the Week Maybe with some cool Sex on the Beach, for the one who do not drink Alcohol is maybe “KiBa” a good Choice ;>
Rock on~ and dont forget about Make Love not War <3~
-yu- Eu strig pentru inghetata ;D
Ultimele zile nu erau asa de grele,shi noi am avut timp sa facem un rock minunat,facind repetitii in camera noastra mica,posibil,ca noi vom prezenta citeva din ele la concertele noastre ))
La moment suntem in Berlin sub soare mare,shi deaceea trebuie tot timpul sa stau sub dus:DDar sunt ferecit sa va spun ca pe data de 21 iunie noi vom fi prezenti la “La Fete de la Musique”.Sper sa va vad pe cineva din voi acolo<3~Acuma traiesc ziua pe plin~Sper ca la voi tot e bine shi saptamina asta va odihniti,posibil undeva pe plaj faceti sex :Diar cei care nu beu alcogl,posibil "KiBa">alegere buna!
Rcok on,shi nu uitati "iubiti shi nu faceti cearta"(sau ceva de genu ista_prim_KiskaTH)
Tradus de KiskaTH
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